  • 時間:2009-04-02
  • 點(diǎn)擊:1101
  • 來源:
    Accession to WTO(加入組織): WT/ACC/*
    Agriculture(農(nóng)業(yè)): G/AG* or G/SPS*
    Anti-dumping (反傾銷):G/ADP*
    Balance-of-Payments (國際收支平衡):WT/BOP*
    Customs Valuation(海關(guān)估價): G/VAL/*
    Dispute Settlement(爭端解決): WT/AB* or WT/DS*
    Government Procurement(政府采購): GPA/*
    Import Licensing(進(jìn)口許可): G/LIC/*
    Information Technology(信息技術(shù)): G/IT/*
    Intellectual Property (知識產(chǎn)權(quán)):IP/*
    Market Access (市場準(zhǔn)入):G/MA/*
    Ministerial Meetings(部長級會議): WT/MIN*
    Notifications (通告):暫無
    Preshipment Inspection(裝船前檢驗): G/PSI/*
    Regional Trade(區(qū)域貿(mào)易): WT/REG/*
    Rules of Origin(原產(chǎn)地原則): G/RO/*
    Safeguards(保障措施): G/SG/*
    Schedules of Concessions (減讓時間表):GATS*
    Services(服務(wù)): S/* or GATS/*
    Special Meetings(特別會議):暫無
    State Trading (國有貿(mào)易):G/STR/*
    Subsidies and Countervailing Measures(補(bǔ)貼與反補(bǔ)貼措施): G/SCM/*
    Technical Barriers to Trade(貿(mào)易技術(shù)壁壘): G/TBT/*
    Technical Cooperation(技術(shù)合作):WT/TC/*
    Textiles(紡織品): G/TMB/*
    Trade and Competition Policy(貿(mào)易與競爭政策): WT/WGTCP/*
    Trade and Development(發(fā)展中國家與貿(mào)易): WT/COMTD/* or WT/LDC/*
    Trade and Environment(貿(mào)易與環(huán)境): WT/CTE/* or PC/SCTE/*
    Trade and Investment(貿(mào)易與投資): G/TRIMS/* or WT/TF/* or WT/WGTI/*
    Trade in Bovine Meat(牛肉貿(mào)易): IMA/*
    Trade in Civil Aircraft (民用航空貿(mào)易):TCA/*
    Trade in Dairy Products(奶酪制品貿(mào)易) IDA/*
    Trade in Goods (貨物貿(mào)易):G/C/*
    Trade Policy (貿(mào)易政策):WT/TPR*
    Trade Preferences(貿(mào)易優(yōu)先):暫無
    World Trade Organization (世界貿(mào)易組織):暫無